University of Zurichにてセミナーを行います

2017年8月29日(火)に、スイス、チューリッヒのUniversity of Zurich, Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicologyにて、以下のセミナーが予定されています。

Sleep & Health Special Seminar

Date: August 29, 2017/13:00-14:00
Speaker: Gentaro Taga
Topic: Spontaneous and stimulus-induced activity of the brain during sleep in young infants
Host: Prof. Peter Achermann
Venue: Y10-G03/04, Irchel Campus

カテゴリー: talk

45th Annual Meeting of the International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue (ISOTT)にて研究成果を報告


Gentaro Taga
A dynamical systems model for neuro-glio-vascular system towards understanding human brain development.